Material-efficient Cu wire-based 3D printing technology

Area Acceleration (D2) Segment Upscaling (D2.2) Duration 2019/01/01-2021/12/31


Files to download:

  • Technical Offer for the wire (feedstock material) – PDF
  • 3DMPWire rollup – PDF, PNG, JPG
  • 3DMPWire flyer – PDF
  • Project Advert in ‚Rudy i Metale’ – PDF
  • AMPT Conference, Taipei, Taiwan – PDF
  • RawDTRIP – PDF
  • MSPO roll-up exhibition – PDF
  • 3DMPWire flyer 2 – leaflet 2

Project Partners

Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

  • Development of the Cu-based alloys
  • Development of production technology of feedstock materials for WAAM
  • Wire arc additive manufacturing at laboratory scale
  • Materials investigations

Ghent University

  • Corrosion-fatigue investigations
  • Tests of the prototypes in seawater environment
  • Educational activities

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

  • Material investigations
  • Mechanical proporties

Gefertec GmbH

  • Development of the production process parameters by means of 3DMP technology
  • Implementation of the results of the project (end user)
  • Manufacturing of the new products

Tecnalia Research and Innovation

  • Erosion tests
  • Non-destructive tests

Supported by